Immigration News

Effective Monday, January 12, 2015, the National Visa Center (NVC) will begin responding to routine questions, via e-mail and phone, from attorneys and the public on nonimmigrant visa cases. Consular posts will continue to accept inquiries on individual visa cases, and LegalNet remains active and...

Two fliers on President Obama’s executive actions on immigration are now available on  The fliers explain: The importance of avoiding scams and not submitting requests until the new initiatives are available. Eligibility requirements for the expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the new Deferred Action...

The following are the major items of President Obama's Executive Action on #Immigration Enforcement Priorities Many of the existing ICE memos on enforcement priorities and prosecutorial discretion will be replaced by a new memo with three priorities: (1) Suspected terrorists, convicted felons (including aggravated felonies), convicted gang members,...