20 Jun Follow-Up of Delayed Citizenship Application with USCIS Philadelphia Office Results in Approval
A foreign national had a citizenship interview with the USCIS Philadelphia Office and more than 5 months had passed without her receiving a decision on her N-400 application. Under the law USCIS has 120 days to issue a decision on a N-400 application following the interview. She retained our law firm to follow-up with USCIS to request a prompt adjudication of her case. If USCIS was not going to timely adjudicate her case following our inquiry she was prepared to file a Writ of Manadmus in Federal Court asking a Federal Judge to issue an order compelling USCIS to follow the law and adjudicate her application. Our immigration attorneys sent an e-mail to the special USCIS Philadelphia Office e-mail designated for attorneys and within a few days of our e-mail our client’s N-400 application was approved and she was scheduled for an oath ceremony.